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Safeguarding the welfare and well-being of our pupils and protecting them from harm is our main responsibility.  Safeguarding encompasses issues such as child protection, pupil health and safety, online safety, bullying/cyber bullying, child on child abuse, appropriate medical provision and drugs and substance misuse. 

Our staff have regular training to make sure that we have an excellent understanding of safeguarding issues and have the skills to deal with any issues that arise. Our recruitment procedures are incredibly robust and the continual professional development our staff receive ensure that we all uphold our Christian vision and values.

Ensuring your child's safety and well-being are two of the most important responsibilities we have. Schools are legally required to follow set procedures and the Local Authority requires the Headteacher to report any obvious or suspected cases of child abuse, which includes non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse.
This procedure is intended to protect children at risk. Our Child Protection Policy is available below.
Anyone who works in an unsupervised capacity with children, whether paid or voluntary, will require DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) certification.

If you are concerned about the welfare or well-being of a particular child, please do not hesitate to contact staff at the school in order to discuss your concerns further.  Alternatively, you could contact either the Wiltshire Council Children's Service or the NSPCC.

Below you can see details of our Safeguarding Team:




Mr David Cook
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, Designated Teacher for Online Safety and Filtering and Monitoring

Mrs Nicola Woodford
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mr Andrew Mulligan
Named governor for Safeguarding, Online Safety, Filtering and Monitoring, Looked After Children and Whistleblowing

Mrs Bev Webb
Parent Support Advisor

You can contact them via the school office using the details on our contact page.

For further information you can refer to the documents below: (copies can be found on our Policies page )

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection policy

  • Safeguarding leaflet for parents

  • Flowchart: Allegations against adults in educational settings

  • Flowchart: What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected

  • Flowchart: School’s response to ‘child on child’ abuse

  • Behaviour policy

  • Whistleblowing policy

  • Child friendly whistleblowing poster

Everyone in our school community has a responsibility to keep children and young people safe from harm. If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm or injury, or you believe a criminal offence has been committed, call the police on 999. If you believe a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, neglect or injury, report your concerns to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 456 0108.

If you have significant safeguarding concerns about someone who is working or volunteering with children and young people, call 0300 456 0108 and ask to speak to the Designated Officer for Allegations (DOFA) for advice, or email